Sunday, August 26, 2007
*Emily's November Owl* ~~a gift for you~~

Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Happy Einschulung!

In Germany, Einschulung is the first day of school...which is exactly one week from today, here in Northern Colorado! So, I thought I would *celebrate* (though it's kind of sad!), with a few "Back to School Bears"
May I introduce you to Zoe? She's wearing her new back-to-school polka-dot dress and holding a zuckertuete ~~a treat cone that German children might recieve on their first day of school! (Except this treat cone is a needle emery...!)

Zoe is quite the cute little monkey and is sitting pretty on a sweet pin cushion (made from banana print fabric!! In fact, all fabric used in this piece is Moda's 5 Funky Monkies...FUN!). Zoe is bead & thread jointed, her noggin jointed by cotter pin...these are both very old ways of joining teddies!
Oh yes, Zoe...we see you!
Her green glass eyes are just beautiful...look at those tiny lids and dotty lashes!! Her face, sculpted hands and feet, and her ears, are all made from 100% wool felt that I have over-dyed to get just the right shade... Zoe is made from mohair, stuffed with wool and weighted with steel shot। (Her pin keep is stuffed and weighted the same)। Zoe's features are enhanced with needle felting, and she is hand-shaded.
Zoe's treat cone/emery contains 3 functional pins that are trimmed in vintage tid-bits, just like the cone flowers...I like that *peppermint* bead as it reminds me of the candy probably spilling from those sugary cones...
Zoe sits sweetly at 4" high (seated measurement), and on her pinkeep the entire piece is a bit over 6". Please contact me if you have any questions...there are many little details and I may have left something out!!
*Zoe Bananas* is OOAK &
(thank you!)
(includes priority travel fare)
While making this piece, our little family had a brief discussion of things German...
CHLOE: Am I a German kid?
JOE & MEGAN: No. (pause)
CHLOE: hmmmmm....good thing that I can write poems!
*Lucy Bear Back-to-School*
(thank you!)
Lucy is a bitty thing...only 5" high! Can you believe she's big enough to start the first grade?! I can't. :(

But there she is, none the less! All ready with her brand new wool felt scarf and messenger bag (it has A-B-C beads sewn on!!), and her vintage hankie skirt is quite trendy, as it buttons at the side...

Now, Lucy Bear keep insisting that she can walk to school on her own...this will not be happening! Big-girl-back-pack or no, a Mommy must take you when you are only 5" high!
*Lucy Bear* is OOAK &
(thank you!)
(includes priority travel fare)
And who remembers poor ol' Harold?! Well, he's on sale...Harold has become quite grouchy, truth be told, and we're eager to be shut of him!
And what else have we been up to here at The Magpie Nest? Welllll....we have yet another new baby! Chloe's Uncle stopped by with this most delightful horned toad... he is just tiny! The sweetest thing...we have a little nursery for him and feed him ants every few hours, throughout the day:
I am thrilled to tell you he sleeps throught the night...even though he's only a bit over an inch long and doesn't weigh enough to be weighed on our postal scale!! Such a tiny wonder...I've grown quite attached.
And then there's Homer Wommack, the most patient dog in the world:

The sweetest doggie in the world, AND he looks smashing in a petticoat!!