Besides the autumn poets sing,
A few prosaic days
A little this side of the snow
And that side of the haze.
A few incisive mornings,
A few ascetic eyes,
--Gone Mr. Bryant's golden-rod,
And Mr. Thomson's sheaves.
Still is the bustle in the brook,
Sealed are the spicy valves;
Mesmeric fingers softly touch
The eyes of many elves.
Perhaps a squirrel may remain,
My sentiments to share.
Grant me, O Lord, a sunny mind,
Thy windy will to bear!
Emily Dickinson, November....
And I am too lazy to go look up the year. :)
Please enjoy this free owlie, 'tis only fair to give you since I normally indulge in shameless self-promotion within these pages~!! So to compensate, I'm sharing a scrap of sketchbook with you...PLEASE make and sell from this design (giving credit where it's due, of course.)
And what else? Well. School is underway and our annual trip to Grand Lake is over...and we had such a lovely time at Mountain Lakes Lodge! (Even though we have to drive over Trail Ridge Road to get there...yikes!) Scarey roads--or rather, the lack thereof--or no, Rocky Mountain National Park is just awesome, and we had a wonderful holiday. But it is good to be back in the nest...
"Peace - that was the other name for home."
~Kathleen Norris
oh Meg,
Thanks for the free pattern...it's darling! I'll let the girls in my group know about it....perhaps between all of us one of us will have time to make it up into something!!!
You're the best!
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