I have so much to tell and to show!! Oh my!! Here's a Bear, hot off the nest...(hee-heeee)
She's on eBay...just click the pic. to visit...
I've been tagged by Tammy of Skip To My Ewe, who was tagged by Primitive Betty's...so~~
"To play the game...... you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog...."
Well. My middle name is "Sue", and here goes nothin'!!
*S* is for sure...sure of my faith and sure of my family.
*U* is for unpredictable...I myself never know exactly what medium I will try next! And the jury's still out as to whether this is a good thing...! LOL I've been reflecting upon making myself stick to one particular medium for an undetermined amount of time. I might be able to handle that. (snicker)
*E* is for ethereal....KIDDING!
*E* is for egocentric...but I'm working on it...at least I'm not egregious or emetic...and I shall continue to loath the esoteric majority.
Now....who to TAG?! hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........
"To play the game...... you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog...."
Well. My middle name is "Sue", and here goes nothin'!!
*S* is for sure...sure of my faith and sure of my family.
*U* is for unpredictable...I myself never know exactly what medium I will try next! And the jury's still out as to whether this is a good thing...! LOL I've been reflecting upon making myself stick to one particular medium for an undetermined amount of time. I might be able to handle that. (snicker)
*E* is for ethereal....KIDDING!
*E* is for egocentric...but I'm working on it...at least I'm not egregious or emetic...and I shall continue to loath the esoteric majority.
Now....who to TAG?! hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........
Of course I know who's first...
Rochelle!!! of the garbage goose...ya gotta dig that Titus lovin' chickie...
Karen of Countryfolk Keepsakes...This gal is soooo talented AND sweet...
and Annie of Chickadee Primitives...you must take a gander at her naive portraits...oh my! (and she is part of etsyFOLK with Rochellie and I...and me?...hmmmm, idunno.)
OK so that's that...almost...I also got an award for being a DOLL! :) From 2 other artists! Such a nice surprise!! Nena Crouch of Nanny's Cottage and Sharon aka Greeneyez2 think I'm a doll! So neener-neener-boo-boo to you!
Hah~! (I'm also ironic.)
Anywho, anyone who's anyone on the folky part of the web knows about the gal I'm going to tag...and I'm sure she's been called a dollie before! Blondie Spence of Vintage Primitives is organizing this amazing charity auction for Ava Grace, a little baby girl who was born with Pfieffer's Symdrome. This poor sweetie has already undergone many surgeries and has so many more to go...in today's world, it can be a scary thing to rely upon the kindness of strangers...medical bills, multiple surgeries, the never-ending "unknown"...what an incredible burden for this little gal and her family to bear!! We who are participating in the auction are trying to ease this family's load, just a little...please, please, attend our silent auction Sept. 16th through the 22nd....
and Annie of Chickadee Primitives...you must take a gander at her naive portraits...oh my! (and she is part of etsyFOLK with Rochellie and I...and me?...hmmmm, idunno.)
OK so that's that...almost...I also got an award for being a DOLL! :) From 2 other artists! Such a nice surprise!! Nena Crouch of Nanny's Cottage and Sharon aka Greeneyez2 think I'm a doll! So neener-neener-boo-boo to you!

Anywho, anyone who's anyone on the folky part of the web knows about the gal I'm going to tag...and I'm sure she's been called a dollie before! Blondie Spence of Vintage Primitives is organizing this amazing charity auction for Ava Grace, a little baby girl who was born with Pfieffer's Symdrome. This poor sweetie has already undergone many surgeries and has so many more to go...in today's world, it can be a scary thing to rely upon the kindness of strangers...medical bills, multiple surgeries, the never-ending "unknown"...what an incredible burden for this little gal and her family to bear!! We who are participating in the auction are trying to ease this family's load, just a little...please, please, attend our silent auction Sept. 16th through the 22nd....
Ava Grace...

I'll be reminding my mailing list and of course, I'll keep you updated as the auction progresses. I am thankful to be able to be involved...to give back just a tiny bit of what has been given to me.
Well I'm a daffodil, so there. :B
thanks for playing along! Your list of E's cracked me up!!!!
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