Available on etsy and eBay, or you can buy it right here...
$8.40, Free shipping (as always)
This one comes with the punch pattern (that you can hook, too), and it also has a wee acorn-shaped pinkeeper to make up...would make a cute ornament too!

The Red oak leaves that "frame" Mr. Squirrel are made from 3 strands variegated, 3 strands solid, and 1 strand of thread, for a very subtle and beautiful effect...I kept thinking of how amazing Autumn leaves really are with their different dappled colors...I fear I have not done them justice!
And I'm planning to have every single-pattern-ever in my etsy store within the week. Plus, more in the Alphabet series, as well as more Punch Poppets...
I often am inspired by Emily Dickinson...I remember falling in love with her poems at our community college here, and seeking solace within the pages of borrowed paperback collections...Emily spoke to me at a peculiar time in my life, and I remain enchanted. I especially love her images of autumn, and frankly, when the summer weather is so horribley hot, I love to make Autumn Offerings of Art and to read Emily's thoughts on cooler seasons...
The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown —
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.
The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.
~ Emily Dickinson
Until next time,
I love this Megpie!!! Squirrels are one of my favorite critters!
your squirrel is very folk arty. The colors are perfect too, Nutmeg!
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