"...in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope...."
Barack Obama
blogs are buzzing...there's celebration...there's hope...when General Colin Powell endorsed President-elect Barack Obama, I began to get excited!!! and lo and behold, hope won....
tuesday night, joe had to work an over-night...i sat up, alone, eating wayyyyy too much halloween candy--i was a bundle of nerves...the first few electoral wins were Kerry alllll over again. i knew i shouldn't get crazy-mad-excited....finally, i put in season one of the x-files. then joe called--Obama won! we won...chloe woke up the next morning and the first thing she said:
"mom! did Rock Obama win????" (maggie "voted" for Bush...sigh.)
this was a shoe-leather, $5 donation campaign--somehow, we combated the non-sense in our inbox (snopes is a beautiful, beautiful, thing!)...somehow, we spoke truth...even to angry family members & friends...somehow, we stayed the course and ducked the "spin"--somehow, hope won!
i am 33 years old--this is the first President I've voted for who won. this is the first election that, when it was allll over, i feel it's only just begun! instead of "oh well..." (that's the delicate way of putting it!) i am asking....
what next? how can i help? what can i do? what's the first thing we are going to change??? and to allll of you naysayers who think that's just an idealistic, naive, "young" hope---YES WE CAN! because we did.

ps--i may need an invite to holiday dinner. :)
I read another blog about how we've all been breathless and now we need to exhale and start clearing out the old...old habits, old thoughts, old things and making way for change....I think we all have a feeling that we need to MOVE right now.
PS You can always come to my house for Thanksgiving :)
Yes we did!
Obama rocks!
I feel so stupid!! No idea how I missed your blog, but it's just WONDERFUL, and I've linked you. :)
And yes, yes, yes we DID!! And I'm right there with you on the speaking truth to family thing - I stopped receiving invitations to holiday dinners years ago, lol....
Great holiday music too!
~ Carolee
You can come to our Thanksgiving any time, Nutmeg!
Yay for America! (That's the first time I've wanted to say THAT for a very long time.)
Hugs- Joee
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