And now, to address an urgent "current event" here in the nest~~no, really, I simply cannot make another snow pixie!! By the time all of the orders were shipped last Christmas I was having p.t.s.d. nightmares about mean little pixies whacking things with candy canes...as well as an astounding amount of glitter on and around my personage. I just can't, I'm so sorry! but...here's what I'm thinking...maybe a "woodland collection", all from wool felt with wee embroidery details? Mushrooms and acorns, pine cones and birds...tiny nests all frosted with---DARN! there we go with the glitter again...(sigh) I'll start this eve' and post the collection within the next few days...
I'm off to the winter forest--
until next time,
PS--if my pictures are "twacked", i do apologize--they weren't when i hit "publish post"...does this happen to you????
Awwwwwww....LOVE the snowman!!
I am in love with your snowman!! Beauteous job!
Ravens Gate Primitives
Hiya Nutmeg!
LOVE the new Snowman Hook!
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