Wednesday, November 28, 2007

*Snow Party!*

It's a blizzard of dollies 'round here...the last of the ornaments are packing up to go to Minnesota, but I have made extras to offer to you! (Yes, you!) I have 3 snowfolk ornaments to offer you...each is made from antiqued, painted, muslin that has sweet snow eyes drawn and painted on and tiny bead mouths...each snow person has a wee wool felt hat, a ribbon collar or scarf, all trimmed in sparklie silver ribbon with little accents and frosty hangers...each are about 7" high, and the 2 with silver collars can sit...Frosty can sit if his scarf hangs over a ledge...

*Top Hat Frosty*

Sold Out~ Thank you...

*Sugar Plum*

Sold Out~~!!

*Winter Sky Snowman*

Sold Out~~!!

*Snow flakes*

I counted till they danced so
Their slippers leaped the town,
And then I took a pencil
To note the rebels down.
And then they grew so jolly
I did resign the prig,
And ten of my once stately toes
Are marshalled for a jig!

Stay Warm & Cozy,




Anonymous said...

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vintagepaletteart said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.............Nutmeg!!!!!! These are just precious!!!!!!!!!! I miss ya! =o)

Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Hugs! *Lori

Melissa Valeriote said...

What wonderfully whimsical and unique holiday pieces!

Jo James said...

Hiya Nutmeg!
I tagged you.
Peanut tagged me, so now you're it.
5 things about yourself.
Hugs- Joee