Little Red Riding Hood...
Little Red Riding Hood...
To be honest, I usually enjoy "the annotated version". But not so with this classic tale. I prefer, in this instance, to take away my own impressions...my own thoughts.
The woods can be unsettling when you're all alone...terrifying when you're not alone. Critics and literary scholars return again and again to the childhood fear of "being devoured"~~a much more realistic fear in early 1800s Germany where Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published a series of stories collected from peasants and villagers...Grimm's Fairy Tales. All of these tales have a "moral", or lesson, to teach their audience (children). It was a very good thing to be afraid of wolves
if you were a child who lived in the scantly populated countryside and often~~or seldom~~ walked alone in the forest!
Little Red Riding Hood remains universally popular, even being used for political propaganda upon occasion, throughout history. While the psychological elements and symbolism within the story can be a bit overwhelming, the tale has certainly been utilized for many different purposes~~probably because of all of the "layers" and psychological suppositions...
So what is my personal connection?

Little Red Riding Hood remains universally popular, even being used for political propaganda upon occasion, throughout history. While the psychological elements and symbolism within the story can be a bit overwhelming, the tale has certainly been utilized for many different purposes~~probably because of all of the "layers" and psychological suppositions...
So what is my personal connection?
A memory...of walking alone, in the woods. Leaves that crunch and twigs that snap...being so deep into the thick oak trees that a sunny afternoon seems just a few moments before nightfall, the light is so dim and hazy. Knowing that you ought to be completely alone~~aside from harmless deer and perhaps a stray songbird...knowing that you should be, by all reason, alone. But that you are not. And then imagining, planning, rehearsing...
what you will say to the wolf.
©2009 Megan Wommack
what you will say to the wolf.
©2009 Megan Wommack
This latest paper poppet is available in my etsy shoppe,
or on eBay~~
Megan, Your paintings are so wonderful. I love your sweet whimsical characters! Ok, and your punchneedle too...Thank you for adding me to your blog list. I put yours on mine too. Becky
Megan ~ I love this new one AND adore your lil' Red paper doll...hopefully one will still be available IF I ever have any money again! '-)
Chris :-)
Beautiful! Love this pieces and so many of your others.
Very nice!
Me likey very muchly!
I knew that Jo would be drooling over the LRRH paper doll! And I want that doll that you made that she has on her blog! lol
These are amazing Nutmeg! =D I think I just got you an Etsy sale too from sharing these with Joycee.......
Hugs, *Lori
yes joee...i thought you might like her!! :)
thanks for sharing them with joycee, lori!!
Megan ~ you are such a talented artist! This little paper poppet is wonderful!
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